A fresh start

This is my very first blog entry, this is also my very first blog ever. So please bare with me while I navigate this thing. My name is Felicia M. I am a stay at home mom and a wife, I am a artist, I say by heart😍 anything artsy I am all in. As a child I was in ceramics classes for quite a few years and as a teen I was enrolled in the art institute of America, thanks to my #1 fan, my mom.

My husband and I make costume tshirts. I do pottery and I just started dabbling into plaster art. Which I honestly cant get enough of, it is so fun and relaxing and messy…lol so I am at that point do I want to continue with my art or am I going to give it up for good. Because for about 15 years I didnt do a any art, after I left the art institute I just quit it all, very dumb I know . I was young and trying to find myself, I got very side tracked.. but since starting this whole plaster art thing I have really found my love for art again, and it feels so good. So here I am… Now your thinking plaster art, why? Well I’ll tell you why. When you go into an art gallery your not suppose to touch the art.. did you know that? But its human nature to want to touch it. Right? I know I do, and I have 🤫🙈 I cant lie.. 😁 but you want to know what it is, is it oil paint, water color, real or print, and if there’s texture, of god that’s it I just have to touch it. That’s the point of my art. Not just looking at it but connecting with the work and the artist, me!😎 even if you can’t see physically you can still enjoy my art work and that’s the beauty of it, and I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy making them. Please stay tuned for more to come, all art work is for sale.😘 be kind stay humble “power of love”

Peace Dragon


I am a stay at home mom of 3 beautiful children, and a wife. I am a artist by heart, I believe I was born with a pencil in my hand. For as long as I can remember I've been drawing. If I can see it I can draw it, but I always like to do my own twist. I'm humble and I intend to stay that way . With art I am safe, I am brave, I am smart, I show my love and passion but most of all I find a way to connect.. and that is what my art is about, connecting with people, because not only can you see my work from all angles but you can touch it and feel it, in since you are touching my hands, my mind, my feeling, even if you can't see physically, you can still see through touch.. isn't that beautiful.. it doesn't cost anything to be kind. the power of love is strong and matters. How do you achieve that? through connecting with people. In this blog you will find art resources, tips, products, advice, videos to help improve you craft and inspiration and motivation. ways to help sell you art and most of all connecting with each other. I should also mention my beautiful daughter helped me with the name Artsy Fartsy thank you Christy it is quite unique just like your mom😊 So with that said welcome to my page.. I am updating this because my family and I have moved across country bought 10 Acer's of land in the middle of nowhere and are homesteading.. yes you heard me right we are homesteading.. completely off the grid living off the land homesteading.. it's been hard and fun and scary and sicking and happy and humbling all in one I will continue to share my store in hope to inspire someone who may want to live this life style. bless be to you all

8 thoughts on “A fresh start

      1. I really like some of your pictures. Would it be ok if I recreated so of them in the future with my plaster art.. I’ll be sure to mention you and where I got the pictures from

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Dear Felicia,
        When you have recreated your first picture with one of my digital photo, please allow me to see it first – after it I will give you my ok for all my self-created photos.
        All the best and have a great time


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